Vojtech Slach of Krise and Ujezd

Vojtech /Slach/ of Krise and Ujezd
Given names
Name suffix
of Krise and Ujezd
Birth of a daughter
Note: birth about 1777 based on age 16 at marriage in 1794
Marriage of a daughter
Note: RC church marriage record: Radnice (RO) parish registers, online book #3, image 227, retrieved on 4 Jan 2015, at http://www.portafontium.cz/iipimage/30067789/radnice-ro-03_2270-o?x=496&y=98&w=405&h=200
Death of a daughter
Note: RC church death/burial record: Stupno parish registers, online book #13, image 330, retrieved on 4 Jan 2015 at http://www.portafontium.cz/iipimage/30069052/stupno-13_1540-z?x=7&y=352&w=398&h=195