Mary Zelinger

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Title: Mary Zelinger
Media type: story
Format: htm
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<metadataxml><content><line>Mary (Marie)&amp;nbsp; Zelinger was born July 29, 1903 in Habry, Czechoslovakia.&amp;nbsp; She emigrated with her parents and brothers Vincent (Vincenc) and Tony (Antonin) to America in 1906.&amp;nbsp; They travelled on the steamer &amp;ldquo;Cassel&amp;rdquo; via Bremen, Germany and arrived 5/5/1906. The ocean voyage was very stormy, and many passengers fell ill. In their misery, people cried out and prayed God would take them away from their horrible circumstances.&amp;nbsp; Tony died during the ocean voyage and was buried at sea while the ship was in quarantine in the New York harbor, in view of the Statue of Liberty. The family travelled west by train and lived in Omaha Nebraska from 1906 to 1912. There were other family members already living there at the time. They were welcomed with open arms and a table loaded with sausages and other &amp;ldquo;old country&amp;rdquo; food.&amp;nbsp; Vincent, then age 5, filled with the wonder of the welcome and the table of food, clasped his hands in prayer and fervently exclaimed &amp;ldquo;God, don&amp;rsquo;t take us away from here!&amp;rdquo; Bedrich, also known now as &amp;ldquo;Fred&amp;rdquo; worked in the Omaha stockyards, loading and unloading box cars. Three more children were born: Rose, Joseph, and Charles. The family was not comfortable living in the city and looked for land in Wisconsin. They moved to the family homestead in Harmony Township, Phillips, Wisconsin in 1912.&amp;nbsp; The first winter, they lived in a hole in the ground, as there was not enough time to build a house. There 2 more children were born: Fred Jr. and Agnes. (Laddie Zelinger, son of Fred Jr., and his wife Carol still live on the family homestead.)&lt;br&gt;Mary graduated from Phillips Normal School in 1923. She married Bob Roberts (AKA James Smallwood) July 29, 1925. A baby, Vincent was born to them in Phillips in 1926. He died in Milwaukee in 1927 and is buried there. Mary told a story that the nurses dropped the baby. Roland Henry Roberts was born October 30, 1927 in Marquette Hospital, Milwaukee. (His birth certificate says Henry Roland but when the nurses started calling him Hank, Mary called him Roland or &amp;ldquo;Rolly&amp;rdquo;.) Mary worked at several resorts in Milwaukee and other parts of Wisconsin from 1923 to 1927. She divorced Bob while she was pregnant with Rolly. Elaine Roberts has letters in her possession written by Bob to Mary asking to see his son, but it was obvious she never answered him. Mary told Rolly that his father was dead, and Rolly didn&amp;rsquo;t know better until he was much older. In fact, Bob moved to South Dakota and married again. Rolly and Elaine later found his grave in Mitchell and had a headstone erected.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Mary was a teacher, and taught At Arbutus Hill School, Spirit School, Worcester State Graded, Lake Ten, Little Chicago, Pioneer, and Phillips Schools between 1928 and 1942. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Mary worked for the Secret Service in Washington D.C. from 1943 to 1946. Previously she had been living in Milwaukee with Rolly. She was gone so much that Rolly had begun to wander the streets and get into trouble, so she sent him north to Phillips where he lived with his Grandparents,&amp;nbsp; Aunts, Uncles and cousins.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;In 1947 Mary started teaching grade school in Hillsboro. Here she met Rudy Mislivicek, a salesman for Northwestern Mutual Insurance. They were married June 12, 1948 in Phillips. They lived in Hillsboro. Both were active in the Democratic party. Mary was president of the Womens club, served on the election board, and was active in the community. She hosted a tea at her home for JFK, which was attended by Pat (Mrs. Peter) Lawford. Rudy died August 10, 1969. She and Rudy spoke Czech with each other and their friends and would annoy the grandchildren by speaking it in front of them. Mary was a frugal woman. She paid cash for everything, including her cars. She did not own a tv until the last few years of her life, but was an avid baseball fan and spent many a summer evening listening to games on the radio. She had a wringer washer and scrubbed clothes by hand. Mary had a huge garden and canned everything from vegetables to jellies. She moved to Janesville to be near Rolly and family and lived in her own apartment until she became ill.&amp;nbsp; After spending time in the hospital, she lived for a short time in a nursing home. She had terrible circulatory problems and her feet were gangrenous. Progress was being made in their treatment when she died May 24, 1981, most likely a stroke or blot clot. No autopsy was performed. Mary and Rudy are both buried in Mt. Vernon Cemetery in Hillsboro, Wisconsin.&lt;br&gt;</line></content></metadataxml>
Created at
2017-02-05 00:20:00.763
OBJE:_CLON:_TID: 43847
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OBJE:_CLON:_DATE: 2007-05-20 00:00:01.000
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