Interactive tree of William F Greenwood

Louis J Greenwood 1898
Lorain Alice Greenwood 1903
William F Greenwood 1874
Therese Eiselt 18771925
Franz ( Frank ) Eiselt 18451919
Catherine Michel 18421881
Anton Eiselt 18131872
Veronika Klimpel 18111848
Theresia Tschakert 18111852
Maria Anna ( Mary : Marianne ) Krumholz 1810
Josef Eiselt of Podlesi (Waldeck) #17 17641836
Rosalia Hoche 17851845
Wenzel Eiselt
Elisabeth Werner
Franz Hoche of Kozly
Wenzel Krumholz
Theresia Pohl
Peter Michel 18001873
Anna Elizabeth Conrad 17991880
Peter Conrad